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Location: Bhubaneswar, orissa, India

I am a cool guy. Instead a Dynamic Guy. Though not that handsome but can make Tom Cruise to run for his money

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

God, Is He what People makes Him to be?

From some time now, I have been visiting a Catholic Chat room and discussing some aspects of God's creation and God Himself. I am very astonished of many of the views that I came across. Or was astonished because I came to know some of the things I had never thought of. One said that Adam and Eve are the first Humans. And then I concluded that their siblings must have undergone "Incest". And to my surprise he said that Incest was allowed at some time of Human history. This is sickening. Come-on, todays Homo-sapiens have evolved. They have not ben dropped from the heaven to this world. Humans have evolved from apes. Humans and great apes of Africa share a common ancestor that lived between 8 million and 5 million years ago. These are not hearsay it has been proved from the fossil remains. Even Darwin was criticised for his works on Evolution,Origin of Species, but his's work is the truth not Bible. He was later recognised for his works. Again, once bible said that Sun revolved around the earth and earth is flat and earth is the centre of Universe and what not. All these has been proved wrong.
Here I am not in swords with the Bible but against those evangelist who in the name of God preach wrong things. After all Bible is a creation of Man in the name of God. The same applies for the rest of World's scriptures. Some say that God has made this nature. But it can also be explained with the aid of science too. Though there are still some things that science has not been able to explain. But it wont be long enough when Science would prove these.
And again in one of the discussions, one said that animals has been created to fulfill the desires of man. They have taken birth for the greater good of Human race. Such arguments depicts that we humans are very poor and mean creature. It is very astonishing for me How can God say that Kill animals for your needs? If there is a substitute then we should go for it. Killing animals is cruel. Dont the animals feel pain? It is very wrong to hurt others, whoever it may be, whether animal or man.
But there should not be any contention at the existence of GOD. I never doubt it. I feel that God is a power that we should all respect. But we should not relate him to the trivialities of Human Life. He is above such petty things. He is not only for Humans but also for every other living organism. And to make our needs meet, we should not say that God has said this to do or that to do. It would be very mean of us.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Rendezvous with life

The blue mountains, kissing the heaven, mesmerizes me. The snow capped mountains looks great. I had been to such a place and that is Kedarnath. I think its heaven on earth. Such places are indeed rare. This is the place where one forgets all the miseries and troubles of this world. The poverty, starving populace, people being tormented by the rich and the powerful; and wars where the innocent people are the sole victims. But can we forget all this entirely. Can we turn a blind eye to the happenings of this world? There are lot of miseries in this world but have we ever given a though to it?
In the Iraq war, tens of millions of innocent people have been snatched of their life and the livelihood. Though the war was undertaken to free the people of Iraq from tyranny but it resulted in giving more trouble to the ingenuous masses. Why only in Iraq, people in my own country, India too are dying. Dying the death of hunger. Malnutrition is the cause of death of thousands of children in many of the states. And the state governments don't pay any heed to it. These people are born nameless and die nameless. These downtrodden cannot even think of justice. They are born to get subjugated by the upper class society. There is no one to voice them. The political parties seem to take advantage of their helplessness and cash in on to benefit their political carrier. They make promises during the electioneering, for never to be fulfilled. On winning the election, these vampire do nothing but enjoy their new found freedom. Even they don't want to do any significant. It is better for them to leave the stalemate untouched. If the people get literate, lead a good life and fulfill the basic necessities of life then it would be pretty difficult for rouge politicians to fool them. Though harsh but it is the raw truth.
Its true that some godlike people think of them and work to alleviate their agony but still their dreams remain unfulfilled. Unless and until there is awakening in the bureaucratic and political circles we cannot think of India as a place where no one goes to bed without food, where the people are happy and live a prosperous life. And without strict law and order we cannot achieve this.
We want another Gandhi, Bose, Bhagat or Nehru to come and liven the dreams of the true India, the downtrodden, because it is the God, who resides in the heart of the poor.
Jai Hind.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

A trip to my Village

This world is so beautiful. This beauty can be best viewed if one happens to visit one's village. A pollution free environment is what we urban people search for. The clamour, the rush and the unfriendliness in our day-to-day life annoys me the most. In such a desperate situation my soul looks for a place where I can ease and enjoy this beautiful world that the mother earth has bestowed on us. Pertaining to this, the country side is at its best. The fragrance that emanates from the rural soil is breathtaking. The greenery of my village captures my imagination. The flapping of the paddy fields, the mangrove and palm trees completes the picture. Bleating of sheep and goats, mooing of buffaloes and chirping of birds make me forget all the clamours of the city. I had forgotten the very fact that the Sun do sets. Its only here one can see the marvelous sun set. In the deep blue sky, silver lining of the clouds being replaced by the red and then turning of the sky to red is artistic.
My every visit to my village brings a new life in me. The verve in me becomes visible. I always only wish if I could ever stay, for the rest of my life, in my utopia...

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The Virtual World

Though amazing but more real than anything else. Welcome to this Cyber world. One cannot stop wondering how this has come up. It has always something new to offer. When one feels that he/she has conqured this world then something new would crop up from terra incognita. This is the beauty of this happening place. This Web Log is a very good example of it.
The concept of Chatting is great. One may be thousands of kilometres away but in the Yahoo Chat room we are some seconds away. I have gained a wide experience regarding this. This is the best place to read mind. A young psychologist should have his first hand experince here. I have met many people here. One day I chatted with a refugee from Ghana. I was able to get some indication of the life that they would be leading there. The trauma that they would be undergoing each day. It was too much for me. The hoi polloi would be unware of such sufferings.
In the end this Cyber world not only educates me of the various technicalities of this more real world but also civilizes me and makes me more humane to this world's miseries.
Truly this is the panacea that we have been searching for ages. But this too has come with its own ills. Whatever it is, I like this beautiful world and simply want to get lost in its wilderness.